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Date Jan 15th, 2012

The Client

Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board or PVNC is a school system consisting of more than 50 schools. Commissioned to provide a healthy environment for all students to learn and grow in a manner that is beneficial to themselves and to the betterment of the community surrounding them. They are charged with providing a positive influence on the minds of tomorrow so that we can all grow and flourish as a community. In providing this environment they face many unique challenges that are constantly evolving as society changes. Included in this commitment is the need for flexible centralized security that can expand and adapt to meet their ever growing needs.


PVNC did an in-depth analysis of their current system in place and discovered their failings in 3 key areas. Firstly, they were all individual systems meaning databases were duplicated at an alarming rate which in turn meant administration was wasting time, effort and money. Secondly, obtaining any history report from the system meant doing multiple reports from each building and combining them to create a single report. And finally the systems were not connected in any way to each other and as a result their buildings were not working as one which meant a total lapse in overall security due to the inability to perform the simplest of tasks, a ‘Global Lockdown’. Their conclusion was decisive, they required a global solution that can expand to meet their needs and can be installed in a seamless manner to leverage as much of the existing infrastructure so that down time is eliminated and cost savings are realized. Their decision on a system was equally conclusive in choosing the Integra32 from RBH Access Technologies Inc.

The System

The initial site was installed early in 2009 and over the following months as scheduling allowed each site came online seamlessly. RBH worked closely with the system integrator to create a single database from their original systems prior to deployment so card holders were functional at all times. In this manner PVNC was able to save their capital expenditures and use from their existing service budgets effectively obtaining a global Access Security solution for no cost. Today Integra32 has been fully deployed across all of their school locations and board offices for several years with phenomenal results.

The Results

PVNC now has all the features they were looking for and then some, expandability, globalization, reporting and reliability. When asked about the operation of the Integra32 functionality the project administrator quickly replies “I don’t know how we ever functioned without it”. They did not realize the time they would save on administration until it was actually installed. Integra 32 has freed up so much time that other critical duties are now being performed in a timely fashion increasing overall office productivity. With the deployment being such a complete success PVNC has gained the confidence to plan further expansion of the system to now include secondary level doors at all their facilities. 



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